Paul Bunyan Transit provides public transportation for Beltrami County and the city of Bemidji. Roseau County the cities of Roseau and Warroad. Lake of the Woods County and Baudette. We are one system to better serve you, the passenger. Our Service Area in Bemidji is a 10 mile radius of City Hall. In the Roseau and Warroad communities the Service Area is a 4 mile radius of the center of each town. In Baudette we provide service to the Lakes Road, the Clementson area and 6 miles south of Baudette. We also have started providing service to Pitt, Graceton and Williams.
Our Mission Statement:
To provide safe, friendly, efficient and economical delivery of public transit service to residents within Paul Bunyan Transit’s service areas.
Paul Bunyan Transit is the most reliable and economic way to get around town or the county. Just call us at 751-8765 (Ext 1) in Bemidji, 463-3238 (Ext 1) in Roseau and Warroad and 844-452-0407 (Ext 1) in Baudette and we will pick you up and drop you off in our service area for a nominal fare.
Paul Bunyan Transit’s Bemidji main office door is locked, please knock to be let in. Office hours in Bemidji are 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Roseau office is not staffed contact the Bemidji office for pass needs or questions. Please call a day ahead if you need to purchase or order bus passes and or tokens. We can then have them ready in advance of the requested pickup day and time. 218-751-8765 Ext 2 then 3.
Paul Bunyan Transit is no longer the ticket agent for Jefferson Lines. For ticket information please contact Jefferson Lines at 1-800-451-5333 or
The Holiday Station in Bemidji is the pickup and drop off site for Jefferson Lines Buses.
Jefferson Lines Bus goes to Minneapolis Daily (Sunday-Saturday) Leaving from the Holiday Station
Jefferson Lines Bus goes to Fargo Daily (Sunday-Saturday) Leaving from the Holiday Station.
- BSU and Northwest Tech Students remember to call and schedule your rides.
Paul Bunyan Transit buses no longer makes scheduled stops on Campus.
- Students can purchase 10 ride passes for $15.00 or pay $1.50 per ride.